Exploring AI in Smart Phones: Benefits and Security Implications
AI Advancement in Smart Phones Think back to a time that you and a friend were talking about some new product that you were interested in. Did you notice that the next time you were scrolling social media, you saw advertisements for either that product, or something similar? Kind of creepy right? It's almost as if your phone was listening to you. Don't worry, it wasn't...sort of! The reality is that targeted marketing, a highly sophisticated form of marketing, uses machine learning algorithms that study your online behavior. These algorithms also analyze your friends online behavior and then discern certain products that may be interesting to both of you. This will often happen regardless of whether you're actively using the social media app or not. It's important to understand that many large companies that are known for selling a particular good or service, are also selling data, often times earning more on that then the actual products that they are known for. ...