Artificial Intelligence: A Brief History
The Evolution of AI Artificial Intelligence is commonly thought to be a brand-new technology. The reality is that the concept of AI has been around for a long time. Aristotle (384-322 B.C.), first developed an informal system of syllogisms for proper reasoning, allowing one to generate conclusions mechanically, given initial premises. (1) I'm not going to go so far as to say that Aristotle invented artificial intelligence, but throughout history there have been important concepts and theories that helped pave the way for AI as we know it today. This article dives deeper into the history of artificial intelligence, highlighting the disciplines that contributed to its development, key breakthroughs, and the technologies that help to make AI possible. Thanks for reading! Disciplines that Contributed to AI Development It's important to understand that artificial intelligence draws from multiple disciplines, each helping to make it possible. Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig do a go...